Acupuncture works in many different ways depending on the application it is being used for. This ranges from western knowledge of the body to using traditional meridian theories that have been around for thousands of years. Different techniques are used in aiding the desirable outcome. These include different types of needle stimulations and needle retention times, as well as other modalities including: Electrical Stimulation Acupuncture, Cupping, Gua Sha , Tui Na, Moxibustion, Electrical stimulation, TDP lamp (infrared heat) and Chinese diet Therapy. Please visit our website for more information on individual modalities.
Modalities Used
Think of it as a reverse massage. The cups create suction, which stretches and mobilizes fascial layers. The cups can leave dark spots on the skin, which are caused by micro-tears in the superficial layers of the skin. This triggers the body to send white and red blood cells to the area to help promote healing which in turn builds healthier tissue. The marks created by the cups usually last approximately 7-10 days and as little as one or two.
A practice using a massage tool to apply pressure and scrape the skin to relieve pain and tension. This action causes light bruising, which often appears as purple or red spots. It is not usually a painful experience, and the marks created usually dissipate over a few days.
Which translates to “pushing and grasping” is a form of bodywork which is done by hand and is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Work is done along the meridians to help ease sore muscles, correct posture, improve circulation, and release blocked emotions.
Mild electrical currents are applied to acupuncture points or spots on the body where an acupuncture needle is inserted. This is very similar to the tens machines which uses pads. Instead of pads there are little jumper cables attached to the end of the wires which are then attached to the needles. It is very effective due to the needles are actually touching the structures and tissues that are specifically effected.
A heating lamp that emits energy in the infrared spectrum to provide topical heating for the purpose of elevating tissue temperature. This can temporarily increase local blood circulation and can provide temporary relief of pain and stiffness associated with minor muscle and joint issues.
Using the traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis to add, subtract or modify foods in the diet to help promote homeostasis in the body.
A type of heat therapy in which an herb (mugwort) is burned on or above the skin to warm and stimulate an acupuncture point or affected area. When this herb is burnt it sends the same infrared heat properties as the TDP lamp into the tissue.